Heljan RTR Coaches

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Heljan have just done a very limited re-run of their O gauge Mk1 coaches in a small number of liveries.

To complement the recent O gauge locomotives that have recently been released in later liveries Heljan have tooled both Commonwealth bogies and B4 bogies to suit these later liveries of locos to go under their range of Mk 1 coaches. These are now available from stock and we have now also received the B4 and Commonwealth bogies as a separate item @ £50.99 per pair.

Details of the liveries these new coaches have been added on to the current listing of the standard Mk1's.

The new Heljan MkII coaches are expect around the 20th of November and we are still taking advance orders for these for despatch as soon as they become available.

HELJAN Lighting Kit

List Price
Our Price
HejLit Heljan Coach Lighting Units

HELJAN LMS / BR Inspection Saloon

List Price
Our Price
InsSal Heljan Inspection Saloon

HELJAN Mark 1 coaches.

List Price
Our Price
HJ4900 B.R. Mk 1 S.K Second Corridor
HJ4910 B.R. Mk 1 S.O. Second Open
HJ4920 B.R. Mk 1 B.S.K. Brake Second Corridor
HJ4930 B.R. Mk 1 F.K. First Corridor
HJ4940 B.R. Mk 1 R.M.B. Restaurant Mini Buffet
HJ4950 B.R. Mk 1 B.G. Full Brake
HJ4960 B.R. G.U.V. General Utility Vehicle
HJ9400 B.R. CCT
HJ9150 SR / B.R. Southern Utility Van (PLV / PMV)
HJ4998 Pair of BR B4 Bogies
HJ4999 Pair of BR Commonwealth Bogies

HELJAN Mark 2 / 2a coaches - Now Available.

List Price
Our Price
HJ240x B.R. Mk 2 / 2a T.S.O. Tourist Second Open
HJ241x B.R. Mk 2 / 2a B.S.O. Brake Second Open
HJ242x B.R. Mk 2 /2a B.F.K. Brake First Corridor
HJ243x B.R. Mk 2 /2a F.K First Corridor


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